
Introduction To Thai Massage

March 6, 2022 10am - March 6, 2022 4pm


Thai Massage may be the most effective therapeutic bodywork that you will ever experience. It is a modern expression of a 2500+ year old tradition of Oriental bodywork. Thai massage uses the whole body to treat the whole body. It’s more energizing and can be more rigorous than classic forms of massage, but at the same time, the treatment can be quite meditative.

The therapist will learn to use their hands, knees, legs and feet to move the client into a series of yoga-like stretches. Thai Massage can be varied to suit a wide range of physical needs and is often used as a form of physical therapy to help increase range of motion and muscular strength. Thai Massage works with the body's movement potential and energy system and is practiced dynamically on a comfortable mat on the floor, allowing for movements that are not as effective or even possible on a massage table.


In this fun 6 Hour introductory level class, you will learn foundational Thai Massage techniques that you can immediately put into practice! You will learn basic Thai Massage protocols that will keep your clients coming back for more, you’ll learn various stances and techniques that can be mixed and matched to make a shorter or longer session, you’ll learn some of the fundamentals of why you are performing certain moves and how the client will be positively affected, you’ll learn how to use different parts of your body (including your hands, feet, arms, legs and knees) as tools to apply compression along energy lines. Additionally you will learn yoga-like stretches to assist in increasing your client's range of motion and flexibility. This is a routine that feels great to give AND receive.

At AMI our Intro to Thai Massage class is a 6 Hour Hands-On class taught on a mat on the floor. The therapist should expect to spend several hours on the floor during the course of the class. If you are unable to get down onto the floor, accommodations can be made to provide aspects of this treatment on a table, however, this is not specifically a Thai on the Table class.


Mark Wisdom - M.S.Ed, RTT, LMT, RYT, CSCS

Mark has worked as a personal trainer, university strength coach, X-ray technician and a teacher. He has even spent a summer training Olympic athletes at the Olympic training center in Colorado Springs. He spent 16 years working in Good Shepherds Physical therapy and Sports medicine program. For the past 12 years Mark has worked to develop his Thai Massage business, Integrative Bodywork of Longview.

He has a Master’s of Science in Sports Psychology a B.S. in Exercise Science, a B.S. in Psychology, as well as a Master’s of Arts in Religion. Mark is a yoga instructor, having a 500hr RYT certification. He is also a certified mindfulness based meditation teacher and a Registered Thai Massage Instructor. As a massage therapist his passion is Thai massage. He has made two trips to Thailand for very extensive training. Additionally he’s trained with more than 14 different teachers and has done nearly 6000 hours of Thai sessions.

If you are wanting to learn Thai Massage, this is the class to take! We will also offer a more intensive version of this class on a date TBD!

6 CE Hours — $200